Terms and Conditions
Company Details
Name: Bjervik Hotell
Org. no: 996 557 278
Address: Trollvikveien 18, 8530 Bjerkvik
General info
To shop at Bjerkvik Hotell you must be at least 18 years of age. If you are under the age of 18 you must have a person of legal age order for you. We reserve the right to any typing and/or storage/data errors. Read the order confirmation carefully when you receive it and check if the order confirmation matches your order.
Personal data
Bjerkvik Hotell will never use your information for anything other than what you have consented to. We never provide personal data to third parties and will never allow third parties to use your personal data. You have the right to be able to see the personal data we have registered about you at any time, and if it is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to have the personal data changed or deleted. Please note that we do not store your Social Security number or credit card information.
Sales reservations
Bjerkvik Hotell reserves the right to price changes, printing errors, changes in text, images and links on our websites and in our stores. Offer valid as long as stock lasts unless otherwise specified.
All prices are incl. 25% VAT (food and drinks 15%).
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